Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Leaving Paris

Left Paris at 11:15 this morning from Gare du Nord.  Fascinating seeing the working terminals after having seen the transformation of the transformation of the train station at d'Orsay.  When we traveled to Chatres, we left from Gare Montparnasse.  That station, however, is not at all like the impressionist paintings of the Paris train stations.  Gare du Nord is.  Here are a few pictures of the station.

Carl wouldn't let us ride the glass elevator.  As obedient followers of the directives of Mr. Parker, we rode the escalators to the second floor where we went through customs to board the Eurostar for London.

The Glass Elevator

Carl and Jordan aboard the Eurostar.
Loved the train trip to London.  Carl had booked us into Premier Leisure class for the trip.  Assigned seats (the only issue Carl had was that he didn't get to assign them) and a lovely lunch complete with wine.  We arrived in London at St. Pancras and waited in the taxi que for about 30 minutes.  Love the London taxi's.  Lots of head room.

Next post will be about the London apartment.  The apartment in Paris was historic and somewhat rustic.  We have traded those digs for modern urban in London.

Until later.

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