Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So I Lied . . .

In my last post I said that we didn't get many pictures of the Hampton Court Gardens.  Well, truth is we didn't get many pictures of the formal gardens, but we did get pictures in the gardens as well as pictures of many of the flowers there.  Here's a sampling.

A Falconry Demonstration

Lots of Foxglove in the vicinity of London

I have no idea what these flowers are, but thought them beautiful.

One of Henry VIII's wives out for a ride.  They didn't say which wife and we didn't ask.  The pompous guy in the front kept telling us to bow and "make way for the queen," to which I replied, "I have two with me, how about you making way."

Evidently Carl and Robert looked threatening, so this young escort de la Queen took a defensive posture.  I don't know what they were doing, you have to watch them every minute.

One of the King's men . . . a ginger.

Jordan posing at my request.

Tudor Roses?

A type of Begonia I think.

Would that we all had gardeners.

Pink Tudor Roses

Yellow Tudor Roses

Red Tudor Roses

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